"Lose your mind and come to your senses"
Frits Peris
Healing emotional wounds is done through accessing your feelings which are held in the body. Not necessarily through talking or via the critical thinking part of you.
I love this quote by Fritz Perls (the founder of Gestalt Therapy) as it really typifies how I work. I practice many types of Therapy – Gestalt Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Resource Therapy, Somatic or body work, mindfulness techniques, meditation, visualisation, as well as creative and positive life changesfor many clients who have experienced abuse, trauma, suffering, loss, depression, anxiety or neglect.
I work with you to determine what is the most effective and appropriate therapy for you. It may well be a combination of a few over a few sessions. There is no one treatment for all. You are unique as is your life experience, so I will work with you in determining the best possible outcome.

As a Gestalt therapist, Tamika works to understand how you are in relationship to others, while bringing awareness of past, present and future hopes and how this impacts upon current experiences. The goal is for you to become aware of what you are doing, how you are doing it, and how you can change, and at the same time, to learn to accept and value yourself. The key focus is on supporting you to relate, embody and live in the here and now.

Hypnosis is actually a state of trance, similar to sleep. Experiencing Hypnotherapy for the first time is enjoyable and relaxing. Brain scans show that during Hypnosis your brain waves assume a state which is similar to just prior to sleep, being the alpha state. In this state the mind is very open to visualising and creating potentials and possibilities. The unconscious mind can reform, rewire and re energise new patterns of behaviour.

Resource Therapy very much aligns with Gestalt Therapy insomuch as it is based on the individual being made up of different parts and works towards integration of these parts. In Resource Therapy, these parts are called our Resources. We all have many inner Resources available to support us.

Give yourself the gift of time away from life’s demands. I will support you in a calming environment to check in with yourself. To take time to recharge, take stock and make changes to enrich your life. My Group sessions and Retreats will leave your mind, body and soul nourished so that when you leave you will feel more refreshed and have a clearer vision of your life purpose and passion.

We often experience times in life when things seem difficult or challenging. Using the metaphor of a river, sometimes the river can be calm and smooth and at other times it can rough and treacherous, with rocks, rapids and waterfalls. Life can be like this too as we have periods where life seems smooth and calm and other periods where it all seems out of our control.

Are you ready for a change?

Something is stirring inside of you and you know something has to change and it’s you?

 This program is specifically designed for you to elicit that desired change and provide you with the skills you require to become the best version of you.


Mindfulness-based therapy is psychotherapy that uses mindfulness to promote present centred awareness, as well as good mental, emotional and physical health. It can help people with mental health issues like anxiety, depression, addiction, and other mental conditions. It can also help you if you have physical pain and psychosomatic problems that are causing mental health issues.

Relationships at some point experience breakdown in communication, conflict, or challenges. This breakdown can occur between the couple if they drift apart or the passion/romance dies down. I can help you identify and change unhealthy ways of dealing with conflict or challenge. By building awareness of stuck patterns of behaviour and trying new healthy ways of communicating with each other, couples can problem solve and reconnect as a couple.

Having an Evolutionary Astrology reading is a self-study lens that honors you as a dynamic, changing being that is capable of evolving and embodying your highest human potential.
Evolutionary Astrology builds awareness of unconscious patterns of behavior and shines the light onto what needs to be brought into your life in order to live out your evolutionary intention in this lifetime. I am passionate about Evolutionary Astrology - it is an empowering and illuminating tool of awareness that puts the power of choice into your own hands.